My Journey into the World of Vertical Gardening

Gustav Emilio

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As someone who has always loved plants and gardening, I was naturally drawn to the concept of vertical gardens. Not only do they offer a visually stunning alternative to traditional gardening methods, but they also provide a practical solution for those with limited space. I want to share my experiences with you all, so here’s the story of how I embarked on my journey of creating a vertical garden, including the challenges and triumphs that came along the way.

  1. Research and Planning

The first step in my journey was research. I spent hours online, reading articles, watching videos, and browsing through images of inspiring vertical gardens. I quickly realized there were various types of vertical gardens, such as living walls, pocket gardens, and trellis gardens, to name a few.

After careful consideration, I chose to create a pocket garden using felt pockets, which are known for their durability and water retention. This type of garden would work best for my small balcony, where I wanted to grow a mix of herbs, vegetables, and flowering plants.

  1. Gathering Materials and Tools

The next step was to gather all the necessary materials and tools for the project. I ordered felt pockets online, and while waiting for them to arrive, I visited local nurseries to source soil, compost, and the plants I wanted to grow. I also picked up a few gardening tools, such as a trowel, pruner, and watering can.

  1. Assembling the Vertical Garden

Once my felt pockets arrived, I started assembling the vertical garden. First, I mounted a wooden frame to the balcony wall using brackets and screws, ensuring it was sturdy enough to support the weight of the pockets and plants. I then attached the felt pockets to the frame, leaving enough space between them for plant growth.

  1. Planting and Nurturing

Planting the vertical garden was one of the most rewarding parts of the process. I carefully selected the plants for each pocket, considering factors such as sunlight requirements, compatibility, and aesthetics. I placed sun-loving plants like tomatoes and basil towards the top, while shade-tolerant plants like ferns and ivy were positioned lower down.

Over the next few weeks, I closely monitored the growth of my plants, ensuring they received the right amount of water and nutrients. I also pruned the plants as needed, removing dead leaves and encouraging healthy growth.

  1. The Joy of Harvesting

As the weeks went by, my vertical garden flourished. The herbs and vegetables grew lush and strong, while the flowering plants added a touch of color to my balcony. The moment I harvested my first batch of basil and cherry tomatoes was truly magical – the satisfaction of nurturing something from seed to plate is unparalleled.

Creating a vertical garden has been an incredibly fulfilling experience. It has not only transformed my small balcony into a green oasis, but it has also allowed me to indulge in my passion for gardening without the need for a large outdoor space. If you’re considering starting your own vertical garden, I encourage you to take the plunge – you won’t regret it!

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