How to play Spotify on you Apple Watch (without an iPhone)

Gustav Emilio

Updated on:

You need to have a Spotify Premium account to download and listen to music on your Apple Watch without an iPhone. If you have an Apple Watch with cellular capabilities and a Spotify Premium account, you can stream music directly without the need for your iPhone.

Here’s how to play Spotify from your Apple Watch without your iPhone:

  1. Ensure you have a Spotify Premium account.
  2. Make sure your Apple Watch is running watchOS 7 or later.
  3. Install the Spotify app on your iPhone, if you haven’t already.
  4. Open the Watch app on your iPhone and install the Spotify app on your Apple Watch.
  5. Once the Spotify app is installed on your Apple Watch, launch it.
  6. If prompted, log in to your Spotify Premium account.

To download music and play offline:

  1. Open the Spotify app on your Apple Watch.
  2. Browse or search for the playlist, album, or podcast you want to download.
  3. Tap the three dots (ellipsis) next to the item you want to download.
  4. Select “Download to Apple Watch.”
  5. Wait for the download to complete. You’ll see a green arrow next to the item once it’s successfully downloaded.

To play music without your iPhone:

  1. Put on your Bluetooth headphones and ensure they are connected to your Apple Watch.
  2. Open the Spotify app on your Apple Watch.
  3. Browse or search for the music, playlist, or podcast you want to play.
  4. Tap on the item to start playing.

If your Apple Watch has cellular capabilities and you have an active cellular plan, you can also stream music directly without downloading it. Simply follow steps 1-4 in the “play music without your iPhone” section.